Configuring MSDE 2000 SP3 for Historical Alarms and Events in InTouch® 7.11 and Later

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InTouch 7.11 and later require an instance of Microsoft® SQL Server™ to record historical alarms and events using the Alarm DB Logger utility. Once the Alarm DB Logger Manager has been configured to connect with a valid instance of SQL Server, alarms and events will be written to the WWALMDB database. InTouch 7.11 and later can then use the AlarmDBViewer ActiveX control to view these historical alarms from within an application.

Which version of Microsoft SQL Server you should install depends on your operating system. Any valid instance available on the LAN will work, but in general, for standalone InTouch systems you will want to install the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine with Service Pack 3 (MSDE SP3).

Operating System

Valid SQL Server 2000 Version

Windows 2000 Professional Service Pack 3

MSDE SP3 or SQL Server 2000 Personal Edition SP3

Windows XP Professional Service Pack 1

MSDE SP3 or SQL Server 2000 Personal Edition SP3

Windows 2000 Server or Advanced Server Service Pack 3

MSDE SP3 or SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition SP3

The InTouch 7.11 and 8.0 (no SP) installation CDs have a version of MSDE 2000 (no SP). When installing InTouch 7.11 or InTouch 8.0 (no SP), the setup will offer to install MSDE if an existing SQL Server or MSDE instance is not detected on the local machine.

However, beginning with InTouch 8.0 SP1, the setup for MSDE 2000 is not included on the InTouch installation CD. Instead, it is included on the FactorySuiteA²™ Prerequisite CD version 1.1.

The Prerequisite CD also has a fix to protect against the Slammer Virus which should be applied to MSDE/MSSQL 2000 SP2 and prior. It is located at:


The Slammer Virus fix does not need to be applied to MSDE/MSSQL 2000 SP3 or later.

Note: For more information on what is included in the SQL Server Service Packs see the Microsoft Support Web site.

This Tech Note explains various upgrade scenarios. For more information about installing or upgrading MSDE please choose the appropriate link:

  • How to Tell What Version of MSDE is Installed
  • To Install a New Instance of MSDE SP3
  • To Upgrade an Existing Instance of MSDE to Service Pack 3

How to Tell What Version of MSDE is Installed

  1. From the Control Panel, select Add/Remove Programs.

    If MSDE is installed, you should see it listed in the Currently installed programs pane (Figure 1, below):

    Figure 1: Add/Remove Programs

  2. If you click on the support information link, the following dialog box should appear (Figure 2, below):

    Figure 2: Support Info Dialog Box

The following table lists the MSDE version number:


MSDE Version









To Extract the Setup Files for MSDE SP3

  1. Run SQL2KDeskSP3.exe. It is located on the FactorySuite A² Prerequisite CD version 1.1:

    [CD-Drive]:\MSSQL2000\MSDE SP3\SQL2KDeskSP3.exe

  2. Specify a local directory for the MSDE SP3 setup files. The default location is: C:\sql2ksp3.

    You will now have:C:\sql2ksp3\msde.

To Install a New Instance of MSDE SP3

DO NOT run the setup.exe executable located in the setup folder. Instead:

  1. Enter the following in the Start/Run command-line:

    C:\sql2ksp3\Msde\setup.exe securitymode=sql sapwd=mysqlpassword

    where mysqlpassword is a password of your choosing. Be sure to record this password in a secure place for future reference.

  2. Skip to the section After Installing MSDE SP3

To Upgrade an Existing MSDE Instance to SP3

  1. Start the MSSQLServer Service (if it is not already started). Figure 3 shows the MSSQLSERVER service in the Services window:

    Figure 3: Start MSSQLSERVER Service

    You must change the sa password so it is not blank. This can be done from the command prompt (Figure 4 below).

  2. Enter:

    osql -E (use a capital E)

  3. Enter the following on separate lines:

    sp_password @old=null, @new='mysqlpassword', @loginame='sa'


    (Where 'mysqlpassword' is a password of your choice.Remember to make note of this password!)

    You will receive the message Password changed.

    Figure 4: Command Prompt Entries

  4. Type exit and press the Enter key to quit osql.

  5. Enter the following at the command-prompt:

    c:\sql2ksp3\msde\setup /upgradesp sqlrun securitymode=sql upgradeuser='sa' upgradepwd='mysqlpassword'

    Be sure to change mysqlpassword to the password that you created in Step 3.

    Figure 5: Desktop Engine Configuration Dialog Box

After Installing MSDE SP3

Change the security authentication to mixed mode (i.e. SQL Server and Windows authentication). This is a requirement for connectivity to the WWALMDB.

  1. Restart your machine.

  2. Run Regedit or Regedt32.

  3. Expand the key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer.

  4. Change the LoginMode value to 2.

Confirm MSSQL2000/MSDE SP3 Was Successfully Applied

  1. Start the MSSQLServer Service (if it isn't already started).

  2. From the Command Prompt, enter the following:

    osql -E


  3. Connect to the MSDE from another query tool such as SQL Query Analyzer (from a remote SQL Server).

  4. Execute the following query:

    select @@version



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